
Incorrect Bind Breaker Quotes

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Cometeyes: Babe you can’t do this everytime I come home from patrol.
Flamewish, laying the in the soft feathers put on the nest that is lined with her favorite flowers while holding a rose in his mouth: But I love you.

Flamewish: Your existence is like the sun to me.
Briardew: Aww.
Flamewish: You need to stay thousands of miles away.

Greythorn: Hello, Darkclaw. Made anyone cry today?
Darkclaw: Sadly no, but it's still early.

Foxspots: We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come.
Flamewish: We had to, there's safety in numbers.
Foxspots: There's also death in numbers, Flamewish. It's called a massacre.

Darkclaw: Sometimes I feel like I failed as your father.
Dewpaw and Ashpaw: Sometimes?

Lilyclaw: Flamewish did what?
Webtail: I wouldn't let him see Cometeyes since she is still resting from her injuries. I told him that unless he was injured, he was not allowed to stay, so he punched himself in the face and told me that he was injured.
Lilyclaw: Well, you have to admire his... dedication.

Weaslestar (about Comet): You can’t let an outsider join the clans.
Snowstar: It's ok I have a permit.
Weaslestar: This leaf just says ‘I can do whatever I want’.

Darkclaw: We both look great tonight.
Heathernose: If you would've said ‘you looked great tonight’ I would've said it back.
Darkclaw: I couldn’t take the risk.

Flameclaw: Truth or dare?
Flamewish: Dare.
Flameclaw: I dare you to kiss the cutest cat in this room.
Flamewish: Briardew?
Briardew, blushing: Yes?
Flamewish: Move aside, I need to get to Cometeyes.

Newtspecks: Do you ever just see something that changes your life and you're just like, huh.
Cometeyes: I saw you.
Newtspecks: Honestly that's so nice and sweet and it makes this really awkward because I was just gonna show you this drawing of Flamewish as a turkey.

Cloudstorm: Name a way to be nice to others.
Darkclaw: Don’t kill them.
Cloudstorm: Setting the bar a little low, but I’ll allow it.

Weaslestar: My clan does not even know the meaning of surrender!
Crowfur: But we're willing to learn!

Cometeyes: I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you guys the truth about my visions.
Lilyclaw: Oh, we can’t stay mad at you!
Briardew: YES WE CAN.

Heathernose: Have a safe patrol, dear.
Darkclaw: I have no say in the matter.
Heathernose: Die then.

Lilyclaw: Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?
Foxspots: Not really..... it doesn't really happen often.

Greythorn: I get it Sandblaze, you had a very bad day… you're  stressed because three cats died-
Sandblaze: NINE!!!
Greythorn: Not the point. They’re dead now, and whose fault is it.
Sandblaze: Yours!
Greythorn: exactly, no ones.

Weaslestar: Well fox dung, I don’t know how to mock that…oh Starclan that’s never happened before.
Reedstar: Well maybe this isn’t something to mock?
Weaslestar: Then what’s the point of other clans if not to mock them?
Reedstar: You know I’m starting to see why Shadowclan thinks you’re a foxheart.
Weaslestar: Shadowclan thinks I’m a foxheart?!

Darkclaw: You have everything you need to defeat those clan cats.
Cottenpaw: The power to believe in myself?
Darkclaw: No your claws! Stab them!

Briardew: I have done nothing wrong in my life ever.
Cometeyes: That's a lie and you know it.

Lilyclaw: Briardew... When you live here, it makes me feel.... Angry. 
Briardew: I-
Likyclaw: Because you're a terrible denmate and no one likes you.

Darkclaw: You know, I never meant to traumatized you.
Cottenpaw: Oh, of course not. You were just trying to KILL me.

Cometeyes: *sobbing* Look what you’ve done to my peonies!
Briardew: *angerly* They’re marigolds! 
Lilyclaw: By Starclan! I think she’s right! They are marigolds! 
Cometeyes: *leans on Lilyclaw* I may not know my flowers... *glares at Briardew* But I know a foxheart when I see one!

Lionwillow: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions?
Foxspots: No.
Cometeyes: I do!
Lionwillow: I know, Cometeyes. 
Cometeyes: I'm sad!
Lionwillow: I know, Cometeyes. 

Jax: Who are you?
Greythorn: What kind of a mousebrained question is that?? I am who I am, who I was, and I am who I will always be.
Jax: That’s no answer.
Greythorn: What other answer is there? It’s the only answer worth giving.
Jax: …What are you doing in my garden?
Greythorn: Incredible. You follow one idiot question with another! What in Starclan's name is WRONG with you??

Lilyclaw: I did a bad thing.
Foxspot: Does it involve me?
Lilyclaw: No.
Foxspots: Then suffer in silence.

Flamewish: I was not that high on catmint last night
Cometeyes: You kept flirting with Jackalstripe.
Flamewish: So? We’re both dating him.
Cometeyes: You asked if he was single and cried when he said no.
Flamewish: …

Crowfur: Ugh, can you get mouse bile for Stagclaw?
Darkclaw: No way, I don't like the way it tastes.
Crowfur: You.... you eat mouse bile?
Darkclaw: No, why would I eat something I don't like the taste of?

Cometeyes: Going to plan B?
Firestar: Technically, this would be plan G.
Cometeyes: How many plans do we have? Is there, like, a plan M?
Firestar: Yes, but Briardew dies in Plan M.
Lilyclaw: I like Plan M.

Dovebreeze: You're so tall. What can you see up there?
Tigerflame: Everyone's flaws.

Jackalstripe: Oh look a shooting star!
Cometeyes: Actually that's an airplane-
Jackalstripe: I wish we could stay this way forever, in love and together 
Cometeyes: That's sweet but it's still an airplane.
Jackalstripe: What's an airplane?

Crowfur: This is a terrible idea!
Weaslestar: But not our worst, right?
Crowfur: No, it's the worst.

Briardew: Can we just address the dog in the room? I know. This is weird. Mistakes were made.
Lilyclaw: By you.
Briardew: And cats got hurt.
Lilyclaw: By you.

Cometeyes seeing 3 cats doing something reckless: Wow what idiots.
Cometeyes realizing  that it’s Jackalstripe Flamewish, and even Newtspecks' ghost: Oh Starclan those are MY idiots!

Cometeyes: I saw you hanging out with Greythorn yesterday!
Midnight: Comet! its not what you think!
Cometeyes, already unsheathing her claws: I wont hesitate, foxdung!

Weaslestar: You must understand, Darkclaw had a very terrible childhood. 
Cottenpaw: I understand. I’m having a very terrible childhood right now.

Greythorn: I could easily have you killed if I wanted to.
Cometeyes: Yeah? So can a dedicated duck. You ain't special.

Ghost of Willowrose: Did you think you would get away with this?
Greythorn: Well it would be stupid to say yes now.

Flamewish: Ugh my dad is so stingy!
Cometeyes: My dad is in another clan and he doesn't even know I'm his kit.
Jackalstripe: My dad nearly killed me and my brother when we were kits.
Lilyclaw and Foxspots: Our dad is dead.
Flamewish: ...

Foxspots: Wait! We don't go towards the suspicious sounds!
Cometeyes: Yeah we do. We always do.
Foxspots: Oh right. I hate that about us.

Greythorn to Weaslestar: Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your prey!

Flamewish: Do you think I can fit 15 mice into my mouth?
Cometeyes: You're a hazard to society-
Newtspecks: -And a coward. Do 20.

Greythorn: You don't know me!
Ghost of Willowrose: Oh yes I do! I knew you the minute you were born and even though I'm dead, I intend to be there the minute you die!
Darkclaw: Medicine cats are weird.

Flamewish: And this is my mother, Dappleflower.
Cometeyes: Hi I'm a big fan of your work.

Snowstar about Cometeyes: What is she even doing?
Lionwillow: Her best.

Jax: So wait that was Snowstar back there? As in capital "S"? Should I have bowed?
Lionwillow: Should've spat in her face.

Cloudstorm: there are 3 ways to win an argument. Words, proof-
Darkclaw and Greythorn: Knife.

Cometeyes: I searched everywhere.
Briardew: For what?
Cometeyes: I looked through all of our territory! Asked around our clanmates! I even searched Starclan! But I still couldn't find where I asked for your opinion!

Greythorn: Tell me Cottenpaw is dead. I need to hear these words~
Darkclaw: .... Do you need to hear all those words exactly?

Cometeyes: In this world... It's either yeet or be yeeted.
Webtail: I'm begging you to stop.

Weasletail: Congrats on stealing the molly of my dreams! For this, you get a lifetime supply of daggers!
Snowhawk: There's only one though?
Weasletail: *stabs Snowhawk to death* EXACTLY.

"Sandblaze is the most amazing tom I've ever met!" Ashstorm said dreamily. "Did I mention we're in love?"
"Yeah, Ashtorm's alright." Sandblaze said, washing his paws in the river. "Not too terrible, I guess."

Briardew: I don't like to brag.
Newtspecks: Earlier today, you called yourself "proof that Starclan exists".

Lilyclaw: When you love someone.... you have to go after them.
Flamewish: Is that how you got Spottedbuck?
Lilyclaw: Mouse brain I LOOK like this! Queens don't chase, they GET chased!

"I'm not bitter." Briardew says bitterly with a bitter expression.

Crowfur: I'm too tired to talk to you.
Weaslestar: You're too young to be tired.
Crowfur: And you're too old to be alive, but here we are.

"Not all wanderers are lost.... but I sure am." -Jax

Snowstar: Stop sulking like a kit!
Lilyclaw: I'm sulking like a warrior!

"When I die, I want Lilyclaw to lower my body to my grave, so she can let me down one last time." -Foxspots

Briardew: Hit me in the face.
Newtspecks: Hit you in the face?
Briardew: Yes, in the face..didn't you hear me?
Newtspecks: I always hear ‘hit me in the face’ when you’re speaking.. but it's usually subtext..

Darkclaw: Nah, five deaths isn’t a disaster.
Jackalstripe: How many deaths is a disaster then?
Darkclaw: More than five, fives terrible.
Jackalstripe: How many? 
Darkclaw: 8 to 15. 16 to 20 is a calamity. 21 and up is catastrophe.
Jackalstripe: 7 and under? 
Darkclaw: That's a crying shame.

Tigerflame: We need a plan of attack.
Flamewish: I have a plan; Attack! 

Cometeyes: Am I in trouble? 
Snowstar: Take a guess.
Cometeyes: No?
Snowstar : Take another guess.

*at the gathering*
Weaslestar: *breathes*
Leiterally every other leader: Shut up. Just shut your yap right now, literally no cat cares what you have to say, stop talking, stop blinking, stop breathing just stop.

Briardew: *points at Midnight* Look! The rat shaped like an outsider!
Midnight: *points at Briardew* Look! The traitor shaped like a turd!

Cometeyes: *is upset*
Jackalstripe: Hey you know, if spiders had a complex social structure like us and they viewed cats as God's and each one of us has a Religion that groups of spiders group into, you know what that would mean? That would mean that there is a group of spiders out there who are rooting for you.
Cometeyes: *blushing, but confused* Thank you?

Lionwillow [to Snowstar]: look, let's just agree to say "I'm sorry" on the count of three. One, two three.
Lionwillow: Now, see, I'm just disappointed in both of us.

Newtspecks, looking at Cometeyes: man, if our medicine cat looked like this, i’d throw myself down the ditch daily.

Briardew: I'm tired...
Flamewish: Go to sleep then.
Briardew: But I want to talk to you~
Flamewish: I don't. Goodnight.

Spottedbuck: I brought you a honeycomb, but it's not as sweet as you~♡
Lilyclaw: *blushing*
Flamewish: I'm gonna go stab my eyes out.

Cometeyes & Flamewish: *cuddling in their nest happily like cute beans*
Newtspecks: *snuggles in between them* Ahh, this is nice
Flamewish: the heck

Newtspecks: Don't make me slap you!
Flamewish: You can't reach.
Newtspecks : *goes and grabs a big rock*
Newtspecks: *gets on it and slaps Flamewish*

Darkclaw: Are you happiness? Because you're out of my reach, but I want you to be with me anyway.
Heathernose: ... Was that supposed to be a pick up line?
Darkclaw: Did it work?

Jackalstripe: *Speaking to Cometeyes* You're the best thing that have ever happened since marmalade
Lilyclaw: Cometeyes will never fall for this, she is far more graceful and sma-
Cometeyes: *flustered, red faced, and embarassed*
Lilyclaw: What the actual foxdung

Honeysplash: It's kinda cold.
Oaktooth: Here, snuggle next to me.
Heathernose: *turns to Darkclaw* I'm cold too.
Darkclaw: Well, foxdung, Heathernose. I can't control the weather!
Since I did one with Rosefur and co, I figured why not do it with characters from an actual series I'm making

Lilyclaw (who was formerly Flameclaw) and Darkclaw= :iconhoodie-obsessed:
Snowstar and Foxspots= :icontiggsy-goo:
© 2017 - 2024 CicelHedge
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Hoodie-Obsessed's avatar
these still make me laugh whenever I see them